
Now Saada can listen to everything life has to tell her


Meet Saada, another receiver of free, top of the range hearing aids. Saada was fitted by her audiologist, Rosa Casado Quesada, in one of our participating clinics in Spain. Saada, who was born deaf, is now able to hear for the first time, thanks to her new hearing aids.

Helping more people to hear better is our mission and the basis of our work. Being able to hear greatly improves our quality of life, and thanks to all those who have had a free hearing test, we can help more people hear better through our Give-Back Program. Every time someone gets a hearing test at a participating clinic, we get a donation to our Give-Back Program. With the money we receive, we give free hearing aids to people who need them but can’t afford them.

Saada had never been able to hear and could not speak. She communicated with gestures and unintelligible sounds, unaware that the world is not made of silence. Her foster mother came with Saada to one of our participaring clinic in Spain, hoping to could get her hearing back. and help her discover a new world made of sounds.

Saada’s smile and laugh after hearing her first sounds filled the clinic with joy and hope for this brave girl.

"Saada is a deaf girl who loves to learn and attends school. She is a very special, intelligent, committed, sensitive girl, noble and very active.", her foster mother explains.

"With these new hearing aids, Saada will be able to perceive the world in a whole other way and listen to everything life has to tell her.", she continues. 

Are you ready to take the first step towards better hearing? Book a free hearing test today


