
Now I have a chance to hear better again


Meet Leona O’Neill, another receiver of free, top of the range hearing aids. Leona was fitted by her audiologist, Paul O Hara, in one of our participating clinics in Northern Ireland.

At 31 years of age, you wouldn’t think that Cookstown woman, Leona O’Neill had been suffering from hearing loss for most of her life. Typically, people would see her as too young to have a hearing loss. She said she first noticed her hearing loss when she was in school. ‘I would be sitting in the classroom and in group situations, it was very hard to pick up on what was going on. I got hearing aids from the NHS, but they were so big and so noticeable, I couldn’t wear them because I was so self-conscious.’ Leona had an infection in her ear when she was younger which ultimately lead to her hearing loss.

Audiologist Paul O Hara told Leona about the Give-Back Program when she had her first free hearing test done. Paul said, ‘Unfortunately, some people just cannot afford these devices which is why I’m delighted I could nominate Leona for this Give-Back Program. The Campaign for Better Hearing is great because it really highlights the need to take better care of your overall hearing.’

Leona has a small girl who she struggles to hear and is looking forward to being able to enjoy the things she has missed out on so far in life. ‘I struggle to hear in group situations when I’m out, I struggle to hear my daughter speak and I struggle to hear in crowds if someone was calling me. These hearing aids are so small – I can’t believe it. I was not in a position to ever afford these devices & now I have a chance to hear better again & catch up on what I have been missing out on.’

Are you ready to take the first step towards better hearing? Book a free hearing test today

